Wow... the disadvantage of being behind the camera, is you rarely get to see photos of yourself. I took this shot of myself with my arm extended (I'm the guy on the left) while on a shoot in Newport Beach. Looking at it now, I can't believe how fat my head is! I never used to be this fat... when did it happen? Why did I not notice it when looking in the mirror? Holy shit!
One of my favorite TV shows is Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern. He's the guy that eats lips and assholes for our viewing pleasure. I love this show, and my resemblance to him did not escape me as I watched him chow down on bugs and chicken uterus. However, when watching, I always thought to myself... "Sure, we look alike... but man does he have a fat head!". Now, putting our photos together, I make him look downright anorexic. He needs to eat a truckload of toe jam and rotting melon to get a head as fat as mine!
Time for a diet.