I never understood why anyone should have a blog... especially me. Any political or religious views, I pretty much keep to myself. My life certainly isn't interesting enough for anyone who doesn't know me to "check in" on a regular basis. Nope... I would venture to say there will be little to no entertainment value found here.
However, when updating my website, I did find that short of being able to view some of the stuff I've shot, there was little room for anyone to get a feel for the guy who took the photos (referring to myself in the third person already... not a good sign). Hopefully, this very small corner of the web will give anyone who cares, that opportunity.
OK... the synopsis. Born in New England, shooting for 20 years, happily married (Ava), two kids (Cooper, age 10 and Brianna, age 18), chronically normal.
I could go on, but I'll spare everyone whose stuck with me so far. I've just about covered the important stuff here... the minutia will follow. Thanks for checking in.