Sunday, September 14, 2008

Seeing how this works...

Ok, it's been 8 minutes since my first post.  But I wanted to see if I could manage to get some photos on here... give you something to look at.

As I mentioned, I'm from New England.  I grew up in a small town on the MA/NH border.  We still spend the summers there on Cobbetts Pond.  Here's a shot of my son piloting the Boat-det VI (yes... it's a pile of junk, but it starts on the first pull and still floats... and it's been paid for a looooong time!).

OK... one more for good measure.  Here's Cooper smoking a cigar with me.  We love doing stuff together!  (In the interest of full disclosure, that was my cigar and the shot was entirely staged... although he did have to take a puff for the shot.   Don't worry, I gave him a few sips of my beer to get the nasty taste out of his mouth... I'm not all bad.)

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