I think people trying so damn hard to explain and understand our differences is more about selling books than fixing problems. We're different and we need to deal with it... I'm never going to find it important to check the thread count on sheets and my wife will never go ice fishing with me. If these are deal breakers, we have a problem.
Below is an outtake from a shoot I recently did for a resort in the Bahamas. It illustrates my point better than words ever could. I picked up a couple great Cuban cigars for this shot... look at the male and female reactions to the same experience.

In short, I say embrace the differences. I, for one, am very happy my wife doesn't drop the "F" bomb as much as I do... or wear ripped t-shirts... or have to shave her back. And if I had to guess, my wife is pretty happy I don't cry at movies or watch Oprah. She has girlfriends for those things.