However, to use it, you still need to load it with 120 film (what?), shoot the entire roll (all 12 frames) and mail said film to a professional lab for processing and printing (Walmart can't process 120 film). And if you like any of the shots, you then need to have a custom print made, or have the negative scanned. Either way, the process is time consuming and expensive. However, in this day of digital photography and instant satisfaction, one has to wonder... "what if you yanked a lens off a Holga, glued it to a Nikon bodycap, mounted this plastic Frankenstein onto the front of a professional digital camera and took some photos?"
Well, the answer to the above is as follows... in the form of a few vacation snaps taken on Cobbetts Pond. (OK, for the purists, I admit the filed negative carrier edges were done in Photoshop)

My summer transportation and recreational vehicle. This boat is an eyesore... but it floats and has survived far more summers than I have. Even the 5hp Johnson that putts me around is older than me.

My daughter, Brianna, piloting the Boat-det. She has the arm strength to pull start the motor, but lacks the arm length... I have to start it for her.

Two shots of the pond on a stormy day. I love that we have the pond to ourselves on days like these.

One more... this is my favorite house on Cobbetts Pond. Unfortunately, it goes unused and neglected. The owners still won't sell it. It's a shame... it's a classic, 1920's lake house... all original inside and out. I would so take care of this charmer. It deserves fresh paint, children playing on it's lawn and summer BBQs. If nothing else, I think it appreciates my visits.
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